home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*-C-*-
- vi:ts=3 sw=3:
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- * File: hpux_audio.c
- * RCS: $Header: /users/algo/espie/projects/tracker/Arch/Hpux/RCS/3_audio.c,v 1.5 1995/05/15 12:19:05 espie Exp espie $
- * Description: HP-UX audio hardware interface for tracker
- * Author: Darryl Okahata (darrylo@sr.hp.com)
- * Created: Thu Dec 16 12:09:53 1993
- * Modified: Mon Dec 20 12:17:02 1993 (Darryl Okahata) darrylo@mina
- * Language: C
- * Package: N/A
- * Status: Experimental
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard, all rights reserved.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <audio/Alib.h>
- #include "extern.h"
- #include "Arch/common.c"
- #define STEREO_CHANNELS (ALeftOutputChMask | ARightOutputChMask)
- extern AGainDB volume; /* volume in dB -- in main.c */
- extern char use_speaker; /* in main.c */
- LOCAL Audio *audio;
- LOCAL ADataFormat *available_formats;
- LOCAL long available_formats_len;
- LOCAL AOutputChMask available_channels;
- LOCAL AByteOrder byte_order;
- LOCAL AudioAttributes audio_attributes;
- LOCAL AGainEntry gain_entry[4];
- LOCAL SSPlayParams stream_parameters;
- LOCAL ATransID xid;
- LOCAL SStream audio_stream;
- LOCAL int stream_socket;
- LOCAL ADataFormat audio_format;
- LOCAL int max_index;
- LOCAL long buffer_size;
- LOCAL int round_sampling_rate(audio, f)
- Audio *audio;
- int f;
- {
- int best = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < audio->n_sampling_rate; i++) {
- if (abs(audio->sampling_rate_list[i] - f) < abs(best - f)) {
- best = audio->sampling_rate_list[i];
- }
- }
- return best;
- }
- LOCAL format_available(fmt)
- ADataFormat fmt;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < available_formats_len; ++i) {
- if (available_formats[i] == fmt) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= available_formats_len) {
- return (0);
- }
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * It would be nice if we could use AGetErrorText(), but this requires that
- * an audio pointer be passed to it, and this pointer could be NULL.
- */
- LOCAL void die(msg, error)
- char *msg;
- AError error;
- {
- char *errbuf, buf[1000]; /* memory is cheap, life is short */
- if (msg == NULL) {
- msg = "";
- }
- switch (error) {
- case AENoError:
- errbuf = "(No audio error -- huh? This should never happen!)";
- break;
- case AESystemCall:
- errbuf = "System call error";
- break;
- case AEBadAudio:
- errbuf = "Bad audio";
- break;
- case AEBadValue:
- errbuf = "Bad audio value";
- break;
- case AEHostNotFound:
- errbuf = "Audio host not found";
- break;
- case AENoSuchAudioNumber:
- errbuf = "No such audio number";
- break;
- case AEBadFileFormat:
- errbuf = "Bad audio file format";
- break;
- case AEBadDataFormat:
- errbuf = "Bad audio data format";
- break;
- case AEFileNotFound:
- errbuf = "Audio file not found";
- break;
- case AEBadLinkID:
- errbuf = "Audio bad link ID";
- break;
- case AEBadGainMatrix:
- errbuf = "Bad audio gain matrix";
- break;
- case AEBadFileHdr:
- errbuf = "Bad audio file header";
- break;
- case AEUnrecognizableFormat:
- errbuf = "Unrecognizable audio format";
- break;
- case AEBadAttribute:
- errbuf = "Bad audio attribute";
- break;
- case AEBadOffset:
- errbuf = "Audio bad offset";
- break;
- case AEBadTransactionID:
- errbuf = "Bad audio transaction ID";
- break;
- case AECantDetermineFormat:
- errbuf = "Audio can't determine format";
- break;
- case AEOutOfMemory:
- errbuf = "out of memory (audio)";
- break;
- case AEOpenFailed:
- errbuf = "Audio open failed";
- break;
- case AEBadSamplingRate:
- errbuf = "Bad audio sampling rate";
- break;
- case AEBadSoundBucket:
- errbuf = "Audio bad sound bucket";
- break;
- case AEBadSoundStream:
- errbuf = "Audio bad sound stream";
- break;
- case AETransactionBusy:
- errbuf = "Audio transaction busy";
- break;
- case AEllbdNotStarted:
- errbuf = "llbd daemon not running";
- break;
- case AERPCFailed:
- errbuf = "Audio RPC failed";
- break;
- case AELibraryMismatch:
- errbuf = "Audio library mismatch";
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(buf, "(unknown audio error %d)", (int) error);
- errbuf = buf;
- break;
- }
- notice(msg);
- end_all(errbuf);
- }
- int open_audio(freq, stereo_flag)
- int freq;
- int stereo_flag;
- {
- long status_return;
- AudioAttrMask valid_attributes;
- char *speaker;
- int i;
- stereo = stereo_flag;
- if ((audio = AOpenAudio(NULL, &status_return)) == NULL) {
- die("could not open audio: ", status_return);
- }
- available_formats = ADataFormats(audio);
- available_formats_len = ANumDataFormats(audio);
- if (format_available(ADFLin16)) {
- audio_format = ADFLin16;
- dsize = 2; /* for ADFLin16 */
- } else if (format_available(ADFLin8)) {
- audio_format = ADFLin8;
- dsize = 1; /* for ADFLin8 */
- } else {
- end_all("Neither ADFLin16/ADFLin8 supported by the audio device");
- }
- available_channels = AOutputChannels(audio);
- valid_attributes = ASDataFormatMask | ASBitsPerSampleMask |
- ASSamplingRateMask | ASChannelsMask;
- audio_attributes = *ABestAudioAttributes(audio);
- audio_attributes.type = ATSampled;
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.data_format = ADFLin16;
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.bits_per_sample = 16;
- if (freq <= 0) {
- /*
- * Use value closest to CD-quality audio
- */
- freq = 44100;
- }
- freq = round_sampling_rate(audio, freq);
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.sampling_rate = freq;
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.duration.type = ATTFullLength;
- valid_attributes |= ASDurationMask;
- if (stereo &&
- ((available_channels & (STEREO_CHANNELS)) == STEREO_CHANNELS)) {
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.channels = 2;
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.interleave = 1;
- valid_attributes |= ASInterleaveMask;
- } else {
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.channels = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Select attributes for playback
- */
- AChoosePlayAttributes(audio, ABestAudioAttributes(audio),
- valid_attributes, &audio_attributes,
- &byte_order, &status_return);
- if (byte_order != AMSBFirst) {
- end_all("Little endian byte ordering not supported");
- }
- /*
- * Use the external jack, unless the user overrides this on the
- * command-line, or SPEAKER is set. (The command line stuff is done in
- * main.c.)
- */
- if ((speaker = getenv( "SPEAKER" )) != NULL) {
- if ((*speaker == 'i') || (*speaker == 'I')) {
- use_speaker = 1;
- }
- }
- stream_parameters.priority = APriorityNormal;
- switch(audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.channels) {
- case 1:
- gain_entry[0].u.o.out_ch = AOCTMono;
- gain_entry[0].gain = volume;
- gain_entry[0].u.o.out_dst =
- (use_speaker) ? AODTMonoIntSpeaker : AODTMonoJack;
- break;
- case 2:
- default: /* assume no more than 2 channels */
- gain_entry[0].u.o.out_ch = AOCTLeft;
- gain_entry[0].gain = volume;
- gain_entry[0].u.o.out_dst =
- (use_speaker) ? AODTLeftIntSpeaker : AODTLeftJack;
- gain_entry[1].u.o.out_ch = AOCTRight;
- gain_entry[1].gain = volume;
- gain_entry[1].u.o.out_dst =
- (use_speaker) ? AODTRightIntSpeaker : AODTRightJack;
- break;
- }
- stream_parameters.gain_matrix.type = AGMTOutput; /* gain matrix */
- stream_parameters.gain_matrix.num_entries =
- audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.channels;
- stream_parameters.gain_matrix.gain_entries = gain_entry;
- stream_parameters.play_volume = AUnityGain; /* play volume */
- stream_parameters.event_mask = 0; /* don't solicit any
- events */
- /*
- * create an audio stream
- */
- xid = APlaySStream(audio, valid_attributes, &audio_attributes,
- &stream_parameters, &audio_stream, NULL);
- /*
- * create a stream socket
- */
- stream_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if(stream_socket < 0) {
- end_all("Socket creation failed");
- }
- /*
- * connect the stream socket to the audio stream port
- */
- status_return = connect(stream_socket,
- (struct sockaddr *)&audio_stream.tcp_sockaddr,
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- if (status_return < 0) {
- end_all("Connect failed");
- }
- buffer_size = dsize * audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.channels
- * audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.sampling_rate;
- buffer = (char *) malloc(buffer_size);
- buffer16 = (short *) buffer;
- if (!buffer) {
- end_all("Unable to allocate memory for buffer");
- }
- switch (audio_format) {
- case ADFLin16:
- samples_max = buffer_size / 2 - 1;
- break;
- case ADFLin8:
- samples_max = buffer_size - 1;
- break;
- default:
- end_all("Bad");
- break;
- }
- return (audio_attributes.attr.sampled_attr.sampling_rate);
- }
- void set_synchro(s)
- int s;
- {
- /* not implemented */
- }
- int update_frequency()
- {
- /* not implemented */
- return 0;
- }
- void flush_buffer()
- {
- int len_written, len_left;
- char *buf;
- len_left = idx * 2;
- buf = buffer;
- while (len_left > 0) {
- if((len_written = write(stream_socket, buf, len_left)) < 0) {
- end_all("Write failed");
- }
- len_left -= len_written;
- buf += len_written;
- }
- idx = 0;
- }
- void output_samples(left, right, n)
- int left, right, n;
- {
- if (idx >= max_index)
- flush_buffer();
- switch(audio_format)
- {
- case ADFLin16:
- add_samples16(left, right, n);
- break;
- case ADFLin8:
- add_samples8(left, right, n);
- break;
- default:
- end_all("tracker/hp3: Unkown audio format");
- break;
- }
- }
- void discard_buffer()
- {
- /* not implemented -- is this needed??? */
- }
- void close_audio()
- {
- close(stream_socket);
- /*
- * set close mode to prevent playback from stopping
- * when we close audio connection
- */
- ASetCloseDownMode(audio, AKeepTransactions, NULL);
- /*
- * That's all, folks!
- */
- ACloseAudio(audio, NULL);
- audio = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Local Variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 0
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * End:
- */